Building Decarbonization Strategies for the Southwest

Western Resource Advocates
Project completed.

To help guide the gas utilities and policymakers in Colorado, Nevada, and New Mexico as they assess how to meet emissions reduction targets in a cost-effective manner, Synapse Energy Economics developed an analytical tool for the Western Resource Advocates called the Building Decarbonization Analysis (BDA) tool. The BDA tool allows users to analyze the gas utility costs and emissions reduction potential for different space and water heating decarbonization strategies, including electrification, hydrogen, and renewable natural gas. Xcel Gas and Black Hills Gas in Colorado, Southwest Gas and NV Energy Gas in Nevada, and New Mexico Gas in New Mexico are the gas utilities included in this tool. 

In our report, we provide an overview of residential end-use characterization for space and water heating end uses and discuss key assumptions and methodologies regarding the BDA tool. We also present the results of our scenario analysis of portfolios of carbon reduction strategies for Xcel Energy’s gas utility in Colorado. Finally, our report includes our literature review of the costs and benefits of commercial building decarbonization measures in Colorado, Nevada, and New Mexico.

You can find the report and tool on WRA's website here.