Energy systems are complicated. Improving them takes detailed expertise on a wide array of topics AND a deep understanding of how they all fit together. Our experts cover the gamut. For instance, we can take a single technology such as battery storage and understand its physical characteristics and potential, how it interacts with other resources, how it is or should be regulated, effective utility program designs, its market barriers and opportunities, its costs and benefits, and how it fits into policies and planning.
Just as importantly, we have a firm grasp of the regulatory systems, policies, and physical constraints that drive decision-making in this complex sector. We help our clients navigate these elements to better influence the energy transition currently underway.

Utility Regulation & Ratemaking
We provide detailed technical support to regulators and participants in regulatory processes so they can better assess the impacts of utility proposals for rates, cost recovery, programs, or infrastructure investments. This work spans from review of traditional infrastructure investments such as gas plants or coal plant compliance technologies to innovative rate designs developed in support of a decarbonizing grid. We also develop guidance on adapting regulatory frameworks to better meet the challenges of utility transformation in a way that is equitable to ratepayers.
Distributed Energy Resources
Distributed energy resources are pivotal to decarbonizing the energy sector. But there are pitfalls in establishing incentives, developing policies, designing programs, ensuring equity, and assessing economic and technical potential for these resources. We help clients better understand the costs and benefits of different resources, as well as best practices in planning for them.
Electric System Planning & Wholesale Markets
The complexities of electric-sector planning processes and wholesale market engagement can put non-industry participants at a disadvantage due to lack of resources or technical expertise. We help clients zero in on key issues related to resource planning, proposals for new power plants, treatment of renewable energy resources and energy efficiency, and more.
Policies, Plans, Impacts & Equity
Energy policies and plans unbacked by solid technical analysis are just wishful thinking. We combine our knowledge of technologies, best practices, economic feasibility, and likely impacts to review or develop options for meeting policy goals of decarbonization and electrification, resilience, equity, and cost-effectiveness.