Caroline Resor
Senior Associate
Master of Science in Environmental Policy & Planning, University of Michigan
Master of Business Administration, University of Michigan
Bachelor of Arts in Environmental Studies, Dartmouth College

Caroline Resor is an experienced energy policy and climate resilience strategist with a background in renewable energy finance, solar development, consulting, and climate adaptation. As a Senior Associate at Synapse, she provides research, analysis, and consulting services on behalf of public interest clients on topics including resource planning, energy and climate policy, and electric utility customer programs.
Prior to joining Synapse, Ms. Resor earned a dual M.S. in Environmental Policy and MBA from the University of Michigan's Erb Institute, School for Environment and Sustainability, and Ross School of Business. There, she conducted research to analyze the incremental local property tax revenue and other benefits associated with developing utility-scale renewables in four Midwestern states. She also co-authored a paper in Climate Policy evaluating state flood adaptation programs and policies on their efficacy at enabling local resilience. In 2023, she completed a summer on the Utility Business Models and Regulation team at RMI, where she evaluated and provided consulting services to state regulators on expanding low-income utility programs and shutoff protection measures. During the summer of 2022, she completed an internship on the Community Solar Development team at Cypress Creek Renewables in Los Angeles, focusing on community engagement strategy and the municipal and county politics of renewable energy zoning. Through the dual degree program, she led the Erb Coaching program in addition to serving as a coach for two years.
Caroline comes to Synapse from a background in renewable energy finance and flood risk strategy and communication. Originally based in Annapolis, MD, she managed a portfolio of solar and wind energy assets at HASI (formerly Hannon Armstrong) and supported investment research and screening on a variety of renewable energy portfolio transactions. Her experience in climate change resilience started with a summer at NASA Goddard Spaceflight Center as a consultant for the Howard County, Maryland Department of Emergency Management. Continuing this work, she took on a strategy role at the American Flood Coalition in Washington, D.C., where she helped flood-affected communities in Florida, Texas, Virginia, Iowa, and other states use policy, funding, and technology tools to adapt to climate change.
Caroline holds a dual M.S. in Environmental Policy and MBA in Business Administration from University of Michigan and a B.A. in Environmental Studies from Dartmouth College.