Kenji Takahashi
Principal Associate
MA Urban Affairs and Public Policy, Biden School of Public Policy and Administration at the University of Delaware
BA Law, Kansai University
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- 617-453-7038

Kenji Takahashi conducts economic, environmental, and policy analysis of energy system technologies and regulations associated with both supply- and demand-side resources. Over the past 20 years, Mr. Takahashi has assessed the design and impact of utility energy efficiency and distributed energy resources policies and programs as well as load forecasts in over 40 jurisdictions across North America for a variety of clients. These include environmental groups, municipal and state governments, and federal agencies such as U.S. EPA and U.S. DOE. On these occasions, Mr. Takahashi has provided testimony and testimony assistance before public utility commissions. Further, he has analyzed the performance, costs, benefits, and potential of clean energy measures and resources, including state-of-the-art measures such as cold climate heat pumps, thermal storage demand response, dynamic windows, deep energy retrofits, net zero energy buildings, and strategic energy management. He also assessed the potential of natural gas demand savings measures as solutions to the gas moratorium placed by Berkshire Gas company, and testified before the Massachusetts Department of Public Utilities on the matter.
Another area of Mr. Takahashi’s focus has been technological, resource, economic, and policy assessments of strategic electrification. This includes analyses of the northeastern region for the Northeast Energy Efficiency Partnerships, of New York State for the New York State Energy Research Development Agency, of Rhode Island for the Rhode Island Office of Energy Resources, and of the southwestern U.S. for the Southwest Energy Efficiency Partnership. Recently, he co-authored a report for the Natural Resource Defense Council assessing the technological, economic, and utility system impacts of building electrification in California.
Mr. Takahashi holds an MA in Urban Affairs and Public Policy with a concentration in Energy and Environmental Policy from the Biden School of Public Policy and Administration at the University of Delaware, and a BA in Law with a concentration in Public Administration from Kansai University in Osaka, Japan.