Matthew Bandyk
Principal Associate
MBA, University of Michigan Ross School of Business
BA Political Science, Davidson College
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- 617-453-7032

Matthew Bandyk provides research and analysis on topics including utility finance, utility regulation and consumer protection. He performs financial analysis in cases before state public utility commissions and regularly submits expert witness testimony scrutinizing the cost of capital requested by utilities and other finance and accounting issues.
Mr. Bandyk also provides a full set of communications services for companies and organizations in the clean energy space: articles and op-eds, social media, blog posts and development of relationships with journalists and the community.
From 2021 to 2024, Mr. Bandyk was a consultant at 5 Lakes Energy, where, among other projects, he led the writing of a major report for Evergreen Collaborative on a clean energy policy framework to achieve net-zero emissions for the state of Michigan, and designed a financial model for the City of Ann Arbor to project costs and assess the payback period for the proposal to offer a sustainable energy utility to city residents.
From 2010 to 2016, Mr. Bandyk worked as an energy industry reporter at SNL Financial and S&P Global Market Intelligence, where he interviewed Fortune 500 energy company executives and analyzed issues like the growth of energy storage and renewable energy, the development of regulation of small modular nuclear reactors and dynamics in wholesale electricity markets. He also previously was a business reporter at US News & World Report.
Matthew holds an MBA from the University of Michigan Ross School of Business and a BA in Political Science from Davidson College.