Melissa Whited

Vice President in Consulting


MA Agricultural and Applied Economics, University of Wisconsin

MS Environment and Resources, University of Wisconsin

BA International Studies, Southwestern University

Melissa Whited

Melissa Whited specializes in issues related to utility regulation and rate design, particularly in response to fundamental changes in the electricity industry spurred by electrification and adoption of distributed energy resources. Ms. Whited consults on the tools to effectively address these changes, including performance-based regulation, revenue decoupling mechanisms, distribution system planning, and innovative rate design. Ms. Whited has testified before eleven state public utility commissions, two Canadian utility commissions, and the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission.

In the rate design arena, Ms. Whited's work focuses on the development of rate designs that effectively balance the fundamental principles of revenue sufficiency, fair apportionment of costs, and efficiency of use. She has authored numerous reports and testimony regarding the impacts of fixed charges and demand charges on low‐income customers, customers with distributed generation, and the ability of states to achieve their energy policy goals. Recently, Ms. Whited’s work has focused on the use of time-varying rates and strategic electrification. This work includes rate designs for electric vehicles (EVs), including both light-duty EVs and medium- and heavy-duty EVs. She has been an invited panelist at annual meetings of both the National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners (NARUC) and the National Association of State Utility Consumer Advocates (NASUCA).

Ms. Whited holds two master’s degrees from the University of Wisconsin: an MA in Agricultural and Applied Economics and an MS in Environment and Resources. She is a frequent guest lecturer at the University of Wisconsin.