Low-Income Electrification Rate Design

Natural Resources Defense Council
Project Complete

On behalf of the Sierra Club and Natural Resources Defense Council, Synapse provided technical support and expert witness testimony in California docket A19-11-019. Synapse conducted a bill impacts analysis for customers in three different climate zones who might electrify their home on Pacific Gas & Electric's proposed E-ELEC time-of-use rate. Dr. Erin Camp authored expert witness testimony, demonstrating that electrifying on the proposed E-ELEC rate is not likely to be economical for customers who live in multi-family buildings, especially those customers who are low-income. In her testimony, Dr. Camp advocated for a separate, additional electrification time-of-use rate for all low-income customers in PG&E's service territory to alleviate the barrier to electrifying for this vulnerable customer group. Her analysis led to a successful E-ELEC settlement rate.