Scoping a Future of Natural Gas Study: Massachusetts DPU Case No. 20‐80

Conservation Law Foundation
Completed February 2022

Synapse provided expert assistance to the Conservation Law Foundation in regard to Massachusetts Department of Public Utilities (DPU) docket 20-80. The Massachusetts DPU opened docket 20‐80 to examine the role of Massachusetts gas local distribution companies in helping the Commonwealth to achieve its 2050 climate goals. The DPU’s order requires the state’s gas utilities to complete studies over the next year that will inform this examination and allow the DPU and other state agencies to develop the specific roadmap to required emission reductions. 

Synapse produced the white paper below which presents a set of criteria for the required “future of gas” studies and has been submitted to docket 20-80. These criteria are designed to ensure that the studies will present sufficient, detailed, and justified data, analysis, and recommendations to inform the DPU and relevant stakeholders.

Synapse produced memos to support two sets of comments by CLF regarding 1) the work completed by consultants on behalf of the gas utilities, and 2) the utilities' proposed regulatory framework. Synapse also modeled the financials of one of the state’s gas utilities to inform its memos and stakeholder process participation.